Types of cremation
At some point, we have to say a final farewell. As difficult as it is to make a decision about how you want to say goodbye, ROSENGARTEN Pet Crematorium is by your side. We support you on this journey and advise you if you have any questions and requests for your final farewell to your faithful friend. Take the time you need to make the decision that’s right for you.

Individual cremation for pets
Your pet will be cremated on its own in our pet crematorium. At the end of that last journey together, we will return your precious pet’s ashes to you. We will be more than happy to inform and advise you on selecting a decorative urn or to answer any questions you might have about individual ways of saying goodbye.
The cost of cremation depends on a variety of factors. We explain what they are on our prices page. We treat every pet with dignity and respect as if it were our own. In Switzerland, each pet is assigned a numbered, refractory firebrick prior to cremation. The number is documented on both our cremation order and our cremation record. We guarantee that you will only receive your cherished companion’s ashes.

Cremation by appointment
During the difficult parting phase, we stand by you, drawing on all our experience and compassion. At a ROSENGARTEN cremation by appointment, the ROSENGARTEN team will personally accompany you on your cherished companion’s final journey and offer you comfort in your grief. If you opt for cremation by appointment, your precious pet will be laid out in a farewell room, which we call the Room of Silence. This gives you the opportunity to say goodbye in person.
Through our experience in dealing with people who are grieving, we know how difficult in particular the last few moments before the final farewell are. You can spend time saying a dignified farewell to your faithful friend in our Room of Silence on request. Afterwards, you are welcome to decide whether you’d like to watch the beginning of the cremation through a viewing window and symbolically accompany your beloved pet on its last walk over the Rainbow Bridge.
As soon as the cremation process is complete, we will hand over the urn containing your dearly departed pet’s ashes to you in person.

Communal cremation for pets
If you opt for the ROSENGARTEN communal cremation, your pet will be cremated together with other pets. The ashes will be buried in our ROSENGARTEN communal grave following cremation. You are welcome to visit your cherished companion’s final resting place, the communal grave, at any time. It is located next to our building. This is a place you can withdraw to and remember your loved one in peace.